
bleeding love什么意思?

bleeding love什么意思?

bleeding love流血的爱;一直在流血的爱;流血的爱一样例句1.Bleeding Love, a song on this album, was one of the best songs of 2007!出血高肢爱,在这个册页的一首歌曲,是其中一首最佳的歌曲2007年!2.Bleeding Love is a hot number in UK.《流血的爱情》是英咐念拿国的热门歌曲。3.I keep, keep bleeding love一直在流血的爱4.Yes, I like both those artists. My favourite song of Leona Lewis is Bleeding Love.魔力红乐队,丽安娜·刘易斯,这些歌手我都很喜欢。我最喜欢丽安娜·刘易斯的歌是《流血的衡搭爱》。5.bleeding Love Closed off from love从爱情中解脱6.and left me bleeding for your love.为了你的爱,让我流血